Modo Antiquo

Fools and follies

BETTINA HOFFMANN, viola da gamba
GIULIA NUTI, harpsichord

Folly: a favourite musical theme in the 16th and 17th Centuries that inspired countless variations and musical promenades and, at the same time, an extremely dear literary topos during late Renaissance/Early Baroque that so adored the grotesque, the bizarre, the dissimilar. The authors of this concert’s madrigals claim to be love crazy, following in the footsteps of the furious Orlando; mad and maddening young girls populate the peasant songs, bursting into incontrollable laughter. It is feigned madness (but true love) that possesses Deidamia, jilted by Achilles: no less contorted is the fate of the opera The feigned madwoman by Sacrati, believed to be lost, and from which we present the folly scene for the first time to a modern public. Finally, the lamentation of The madwoman by Antonio Giramo sings all aspects of madness, creating a leading female character of striking humanity.



FRANCESCO SACRATI, Affé la pazza, from La finta pazza
DIEGO ORTIZ, Recercadas sopra la follia
ALFONSO DELLA VIOLA, Si traviat’è‘l folle mio desio
BIAGIO MARINI, Una vecchia sdentata e bavosa
FRANCESCO CORTECCIA, Le vecchie per invidia son pazze
FABRIZIO CAROSO, Furioso all’italiana
ADRIANO WILLAERT, Sempre mi ride sta donna da bene

next concert: 29 may 2010, Cagliari

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